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Curtis Institute of Music

John de Lancie Library

Rock Online Catalog

All-School Project 2021-2023: The Civil Rights Era and the Music of Change: Home


Paul Robeson singing with dock workersThe 2021-2023 All-School Project at Curtis will focus on The Civil Rights Era and The Music of Change. The school-wide exploration of the historic events and the artistic outpouring between 1950-1975 may suggest that the work of composers, musicians, and artists during the U.S. Civil Rights Era provided the impetus, inspiration, and invitation for a nation to reckon with injustice and to begin to change.

Through performance projects, musicians will revisit the innovative sounds of the decade. In coursework, students will engage with the era’s musical, historical, literary, sociological, artistic, and philosophical investigations that continue to resonate. Co-curricular projects will offer students forums in which to discuss the films, marches, speeches, writings, and concerts that galvanized a generation. In support of these explorations, the librarians and archivists of Rock Resource Center will augment research and performances with scores, special collections, and archival exhibitions.

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Photo: Paul Robeson singing with dock workers, 1942. From the National Archives. Public domain.